Sunday, 14 August 2011

Sumida-gawa lantern festival

It's Obon: a time to remember the spirits of one's deceased ancestors. Obon manifests itself as festivals across the country, through summer, but here in Tokyo, the main one is the Asakusa Samba Matsuri, in which lanterns are floated down the river with messages inscribed upon them.

I wanted to share photos of this but it turns out that taking photos of small laterns lit by smaller candles from across a large river is pretty tricky. It's a good time for some night-time cityscape-type shots though.

The little orange lights in the river are the lanterns.

Now's the time to whip out the yukata, a light, summery kimono.

It's pretty hard to tell from this next picture but there's a huge queue of people with lanterns, which are let down a slide into the river and float out towards the sea. This is accompanied by chanting.

All this happens in front of this.

This is the Asahi complex - office on the left (it's supposed to look like a pint of beer with a foamy head) and "Super Dry Hall" on the right, with what has become known as the Golden Turd (kin no unko) perched on top. Believe it or not this is Philippe Starck's creation.
The Sky Tree, a new TV tower and the world's second tallest building, pokes out on the far left.

by tom